Friday 28 November 2014

Shadow Rituals
This song as a very dark begging in the percussion section that to me sounds like everyone gathering around a fire and getting ready for a ritual. When the clarinets come in with the melody it sounds like a few people have started saying the ritual, and slowly more people are joining in. When there is a crescendo almost everyone is saying it now as the flutes come in it goes to a different village where there ritual is slightly different yet the same and as you here all of the crescendos and decrescendos along with all of the different parts you here all of the different, villages and kingdoms where these certain people are all having this ritual on the same night. As the song changes to become more major there is a force fighting back against the rituals. it starts as a light force then it in it's self becomes more heavy and is becoming stronger to fight back against the shadows. As the major cords switch between instruments the fight back is getting stronger, the crescendos show it's high points and low points of the spell against the shadows. This continues as the flute runs show the big battle between the two forces of shadows and light, but in the end the light pulls though ending the song in a major cord. is song is also very technically and musically challenging with all of it's dynamics and very technical points with melody. You can also here the repetition in this song between melody, counter melody and bass-line. I liked this song because it tells a beautiful story in my eyes with the crescendos and the decrescendos and the melody switching off between instruments adds to the piece with each instrument telling a different story.